
  • Care Group

    We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month for lunch, then visit our designated member.

    Our purpose is to bring joy. We serve communion and also share in a time of devotion. We visit for about an hour with a little treat of some kind. We love seeing the joy it brings those who we have honored for the day.

  • Van Ministry

    Do you or someone you know need a ride to and from Boulevard?  We are blessed to be a blessing and have a Van Ministry to help our local community get to and from church.  We will pick you up and drop you off on Sundays for our worship service.

  • Men's Prayer Breakfast

    Men gather together on the second Saturday of each month for a time of intentional prayer. We will meet to pray for our church, our church family, our community, and for Christ to be glorified in Essex and beyond. Following our time of prayer, there will be a time of fellowship and food.

  • Boulevard Food Pantry

    In partnership with Celestial Manna, we have the opportunity to serve the fellowship alongside surrounding communities in providing grocery and perishables weekly. Please contact for more information.